Joselyn Vasquez
5 min readSep 29, 2022


“I live where you vacation” is a saying in the Dominican Republic, and it could not be more real. The country is a popular tourist destination famed for its crystal-clear waters, soft white sands, and inviting, warm locals.

Imagine taking a brief break from your daily activities to have the time of your life, making your imagined vacation a reality and an unforgettable experience.

I attended a Club Med job interview due to a fortuitous coincidence, and I was fortunate to get employed among several of my coworkers. When I first started, I knew very little about Club Med, and the proposition during the first interview was insane, and of course, I said “YES”.

In Santo Domingo, where we all met, we set out on our expedition. It reminded me of doing a beach tour. We travelled for three hours to get there. It was a great journey right from the start.

We arrived at the Club after its remodeling in 2000. All of the employees were still in training, and there were no clients. That made it possible for us to connect and grow uncommonly close.

Being kind and polite, which are things we do all the time, was the most crucial lesson we learnt during training. However, at Club Med, there was a special type of magic.

The three phrases “Hola,” “Hello,” and “Bon Jour” were the most often used. Despite how courteous they may sound, greetings at Club Med had a certain enchantment.

I had the wonderful fortune to work as a GO. (Gentil Organisateur), and as a result, we were given access to services and activities that we would not have had access to as employees at another resort.

The guests were referred to as GM (Gentil members), and the G.O’s made sure that their needs were satisfied starting with their airport arrival, which marked the beginning of their holiday. G.Os were ready to take them to the property as soon as the plane landed.

The General Manager greeted them upon their arrival at the Club and led them to their rooms while their luggage was brought to their door. They had already started their vacation, so they had nothing at all to worry about.

Everyone’s extracurricular duties included greeting guests at arrival and departure, escorting them to their rooms, and helping with luggage, regardless of the service you worked at.

They were welcomed and given a brief tour of the hotel before being shown to their room and given information on the amenities, restaurants, bar, and activities.

The same activities and amenities were available to G.Os in order to give GMs a memorable experience. The GMs were never left alone because a G.O was always nearby, regardless of whether they arrived with their families, friends, or alone.

Living and working at Club Med was like having guests over. We had to make every effort to ensure that our guests enjoyed their stay.

Imagine arriving in a place where a bunch of strangers welcomes you as if you were relative, shares activities with you like games, sports, and dance, and towards the end of the week feels like real family. It was quite amazing how frequently I sobbed as visitors left.

Some of the GMs attended Club Med frequently, while some were newcomers who had been saving for a little getaway for a while. In either case, the attention was the same.

Everyone is given the same respect at Club Med. Putting aside controversial subjects like politics and religion. It was always about having an enjoyable time, organizing events, taking trips. G.O’s and GMs go from being unknown to become a friend, a later on become family.

From the gardener to the general manager, everyone was treated respectfully. The managers were approachable for both GMs and G.Os because of their open door policy.

For ten years, I had the excellent fortune to work as a G.O. I worked in a variety of roles as my availability allowed. From being a childcare monitor to becoming a receptionist, bank manager, cost controller, and assistant finance and administration manager, I worked my way up.

Aside from the area work schedule, we had to stick to an activity program in order to have a G.O available near the GMS at all times. These responsibilities were divided among the team members. Doing shows was one of my favorite experiences. Club Med was the only place where I could perform, which was something I loved to do.

Other tasks included preparation and cleanup, informational sessions, hosting at the restaurant (another favorite), and making “crazy signs,” which GMs and G.Os both enjoy doing and Club Med seems to be famous for.

Crazy signs are dances that have simple steps that guests can follow. These are referred to as “crazy signs,” and they were always the “in” thing around the pool, at the bar, before and after shows, and at the nightclub.

The brand rotates its G.Os to a different location every six months. I have had the honor of traveling to some amazing locations. I started working at Club Med Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, followed by Club Med Ixtapa in Mexico, then Club Med Turquoise in Turks and Caicos, and last Club Med Columbus Isle in San Salvador Island in the Bahamas. I also attended a two-week training at Club Med Opio in France.

If you met the requirements, you could apply for the job you wanted and start as soon as there was a spot available. I gradually progressed from Childcare Monitor to Assistant Finance and Administration. learning the role before accepting it, one season at a time.

Being a G.O was the dream job, and Club Med supported and encouraged you in all of your endeavors. If that was your goal, they will assist you in stepping. Club Med has a growth program.

The following are a few reasons why Club Med is the greatest place to work:

1. Living onsite

2. Use the amenities and facilities which included the pool, beach, bar, restaurants, snacks, and sports.

3. Participate in all programs, classes, tours, and events.

4. Training both on- and off-site (including other language classes)

5. Possibilities for development

6. Rotation to a different Club Med

7. Take a holiday on the resort, whether in your current Club or another.

8. At Club Med, mix with people from all over the world, all different but all the same.

Working at Club Med taught me how to be kind, modest, and realistic. We were taught by example. If you are empathetic, considerate, conscientious, and humble, being a G.O or GM at Club Med may be a good fit for you.

At Club Med, I was able to be myself while working and developing my profession at the same time and in the same place. And although Club Med was a fantastic experience that I will never forget, leaving was part of God’s plan all along.

The memories made at Club Med last a lifetime. If I were to be born again, I will definitely become a Dominican G.O and go back to Club Med.

Once a G.O, always a G.O.



Joselyn Vasquez

I have so much to learn, so much to teach, so much to write, so much to read.